They say that life is all about relationships. Many believe that it is time spent and memories made with friends, family and loved ones that make for the happiest of lives. We agree and believe that there are some relationships that stand out from the rest and that are worthy of going that extra mile for, or putting in the extra effort. We’re about to officially celebrate one of those relationships during this wonderful month of May- our relationship with Mom!
Mom has been there for us since ‘day one’ and has always had our back. As children she was the one we ran to when we injured ourselves, or whose skirt we hid behind when confronted with a strange new person, and as an adult (for those of us who are fortunate enough to still have our moms around into adulthood), she is often the one whose shoulder we cry on when life doesn’t go quite our way. No matter what stage of life we are at, Mom is a constant.
Did you know that Mother’s Day actually originated in the United States? It was first officially observed in the state of West Virginia, which is where Anna Jarvis, its founding “mother” resided, in the early 1900’s. Its popularity spread from there and, today, there are more than 40 countries around the world that celebrate a day dedicated to celebrating the mother-child relationship in one form or another.
Mother’s Day falls on Sunday May 8th in the United States this year and gives us the perfect opportunity to let Mom know just how special she is. She will often say not to bother or make a fuss, but we all know that deep-down, she loves to be recognized and told how much she means to us. And what better way to do that than with the gift of jewelry? It is at once unique, timeless and personal – it’s a wonderful way to say to Mom: “I love you”.
While a piece of jewelry will speak volumes, it doesn’t necessarily need to cost the world. That’s where we come in. This is truly where the expression “it’s the thought that counts” comes into play. Whether your budget is small or large, we can help you find that special something that will tell mom how you feel about her without you having to utter a word. Whether it be a simple pendant or something more intricate, it is the look on Mom’s face when she receives that gift box that we will remember forever. It is all about making memories.
Mom’s are special – there are few bonds as strong as mother and child – and we’re here to help you let Mom know just how much you care. Not sure what to get her? We have loads of ideas in-store – from pendants and earrings to right-hand rings and stylish gift sets – so come in and see us soon!