October is a month of change. After soaking up the sun and warmth of summer, we are now waking up to cooler mornings and falling into our autumn routines. Our kids are already tapping their creative streaks to come up with the coolest Halloween costume ever, and we’re stocking up on hot chocolate, pumpkins and Halloween candy. We love Fall here at Seifert Jewelers and plan on making the most of it!
What better stone to represent the birthstone for the month of October than Opal? You may not be familiar with the name, but we guarantee you’d recognize an opal a mile off if you saw it. It’s that captivating stone that seems to light up and change colors depending on how the light hits it or which angle it’s viewed from. It shimmers and glows and mesmerizes. Try it – just stare at an opal for a few moments and see how it makes you feel. It is bound to have a calming effect on your mind.
There are 5 main types of this chameleon of stones, classified on the basis of color of the body of the stone. These types are: white, black, fire, boulder or crystal. Black opal is probably the most well-known (and most expensive) type of opal and for good reason: it is rarer than the other types and has a truly unique character – the stark contrast between the black, dark grey or sometimes dark green body and the rainbow of colors that shimmer from inside the stone make quite a statement.
What better way to celebrate yourself or anyone on your gift list than with a gift of Opal jewelry? We have an amazing selection of Opal pieces in store that are as unique and individual as you are. All types and colors, and in all different price ranges. For those who like to get things done early, consider purchasing a fabulous Opal ring or set of earrings now for that lovely lady for Christmas. We’re seeing a lot of clients ordering their Christmas presents early this year, so don’t miss out! Choice is always better early on and, even if you don’t see exactly what you’re looking for, there’s loads of time to order a special piece from one of our catalogues. We can even make you or your loved one a custom piece and have it ready to be boxed up to put under this year’s Christmas tree.
We also wanted to take this opportunity to let you know that we’re ramping up for our annual themed Ladies Night in November. For those of you who have attended in prior years, you’ll know how much fun we’ve had in the past and we hope you can join us again this year. For those who haven’t managed to make it out to one yet, don’t miss this one! It’s a great opportunity to be social and have some fun while being surrounded by all of our beautiful jewelry. You’ll get a chance to make your own wish list of goodies (this will certainly help out the other halves when it comes time to choose the perfect holiday gift for you), and you’ll get a preview of all the new lines and hot fashions for the season. We’ll be announcing the theme soon and we’re delighted to have the chance this year to raise a little money for a great cause. Details will follow in the next monthly edition of this post.
So, if you’re in the neighborhood, stop by the store. Whether it’s to purchase a stunning Opal piece for an October baby in your life, get some early Christmas ideas, find out about financing options or our upcoming Ladies Night, we’d love to see you!